The Moroccan custom is to prepare the Haroset into serving-size balls or into a thick paste. Besides the ingredients listed by the Rama, the Moroccan Haroset uses other fruit, to which the Jewish people have also been compared. Rabbi Yosef Messas (Otzar Hamichtavim, vol. I, § 1128) and Rabbi Moshe Mot (Mateh Moshe, Hilchot Pesah, § 612) explain that dates are used and the Jewish people are compared to them in the verse (Shir Hashirim 7:8) “Zot Komatech Dameta Letamar” (lit. “This, your stature, resembles a date palm tree”). There is also a Moroccan custom to use raisins, to which the Jewish people have also been compared in the verse (Tehillim 80:9) “Gefen Mimitzrayim Tasia” (lit. “You uprooted a vine from Egypt”).
It should be noted that although the Shulhan Aruch does not codify a specific set-up for the Seder plate, the common custom among many communities, Moroccan included, is to follow the order of the Arizal.
Summary: The Haroset’s ingredients are full of symbolism.