It is written in the Tosefta (Megila 3:13) that the Hazan should not commence his reading of the Torah until the congregants tell him to begin. From here it is learned that one may go up for an Aliya only when called up and not on one’s own. Furthermore, the Rama (Orah Haim 139:3) states that the custom is to summon congregants by name. The HIDA (LeDavid Emet § 5:30), however, notes that the custom in Israel was that congregants were not called up specifically by name. He explains that if one is called up and refuses the Aliya it is considered a slight on the Torah’s honor and such a person may even be cursed. In order to avoid such a situation, the HIDA says that it is preferable not to call up congregants by name, and indeed, there are communities that summon congregants by simply saying “Bechavod” (“With honor [please go up]”).
Nevertheless, the Moroccan custom is to call up the person receiving the Aliya by name. The original custom was to use one’s name and last name, although some use the first name and the person’s father’s name. Rabbi Matzliah Mazuz (Shu”t Ish Matzliah vol. 3, pg. 428) writes that the well-rooted practice of calling up congregants by name existed even before the Spanish Inquisition, and Rabbi Israel Trunk (Yeshuot Malko § 12) explains that this custom has deep significance.
Summary: The Moroccan custom is call people up to the Torah by their first and last names.