Alenu Leshabe’ah holds deep significance and is replete with allusions. Rabbi Elazar Rokeah (Sefer HaRokeah) writes that when one recites “Hu Elokenu En Od Aher” (lit. “He is our G-d, there is none other”), one should have in mind that we no longer have the Bet HaMikdash to atone for our sins and that it is only Hashem Himself who can hear and accept our prayers. Additionally, when one recites “Mehera Betiferet Uzach” (lit. “quickly with the splendor of Your strength”), one should contemplate the last letters of the words. These three letters when rearranged “Tav-Chaf-He” spell out the Name of Hashem designated to protectBnei Israel from its enemies and from the spiritual adversaries that may obstruct our prayers. Interestingly, the Arizal (Pri Etz Haim) explains that this was the name that Moshe Rabenu used to kill the Egyptian who was abusing the Jewish slave, and is alluded to in the word “Lama Take Re’echa”. These letters are alluded to in other verses such as “Kol HaNeshama Tehalel Y-a Haleluy-a”
Summary: One should contemplate the Name spelled “Tav-Chaf-He” while reciting that corresponding portion of Alenu Leshabe’ah.