Hagda Ksmllah: What’s the Significance?

The Shulhan Aruch (Orah Haim 473:6) writes that during the Yahatz section of the Seder, the one leading the Seder should take the middle of three Matzot and break it into two pieces. The Mishna Berura (O.H. 473:57) explains that this is done because it is the way of the afflicted and needy to eat broken bread and because the Matza is referred to as “Lahma Anya” (lit. “bread of affliction”). The bigger of the two pieces is used for the Afikoman because ideally one should eat two Kazetot; one is symbolic of the Korban Pesah and the other is symbolic of the Korban Hagiga. The Afikoman is then placed under the table cloth or hidden elsewhere, depending on the family’s custom, while the smaller piece is placed back between the other Matzot.  

There is a Moroccan custom to recite a passage in Arabic (click here and herefor text) at this point in the Seder. This is recited when the Matza is split during Yahatz in order to demonstrate how Hashem split the sea and as an introduction to Magid, which further expounds the idea of the Exodus from Egypt. The translation of this passage is as follows:

This is how Hashem split the sea into twelve paths when our forefathers were taken out of Egypt by our master and prophet Moshe, son of Amram, peace be upon him. Just as at that time Hashem saved and redeemed them from slavery to freedom, may he redeem us from this exile and bring us to our beloved Jerusalem.

​Summary:  During Yahatz the Moroccan custom is to split the Matza while reciting the above passage in Arabic.