What are some customs of the night of Yom Kippur?

Rabbi Haim Palagi (Moed Lechol Hai) speaks about the great significance of holding the Sefer Torah during Kol Nidre and if one has the means should certainly attempt to buy this meritorious Mitzvah.  Nevertheless Rabbi Benzion Abba Shaul (Ner Lezion, Yom Kippur) decries those who spend excessive amounts on a Ram’s head for the night of Rosh Hashana and the Sefer Torah on Kol Nidrei but do not do the same for their Etrog, which is a Torah obligation.Rabbi Benzion Mutzafi (Kadosh Lezion) adds that one should attemt to kiss each of the Sifrei Torah seven times, as there is a great reason for this according to Kabbalah.
Certain cities in Morocco had a custom of reciting Hashkavot (prayer for the departed) for their sages right after Kol Nidre. Interestingly, the Siddur Bet Hakaporet (Dinei Hashkavot, § 4) records this custom in Gibraltar in which Hashkavot were recited for such an exhaustive list of local sages, to the point that congregants became irked by the length of the service. Nonetheless, the Siddur emphasizes the importance of reciting these Hashkavot on the night of Yom Kippur since even the departed need atonement. Rabbi Yehuda Ayash (Ze Hashulhan), Rabbi David Setbon (Ale Hadas) and Rabbi Yitzhak Alfaya (Kuntres Hayehieli) write that this was also the custom in Algeria, Tunisia and Bet El, respectively.
Another custom that is followed by the Moroccan community is that “Vehu Rahum” is recited on Yom Kippur at the beginning of Arvit, even if it falls on Shabbat. Although the Ben Ish Hai (Parashat Vayelech, § 13) rules that it should not be said when Yom Kippur coincides with Shabbat, Rabbi Yaakov Algazi (Hemdat Yamim) supports this custom. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (Halichot Olam) and Rabbi Amram Aburbia (Netive Am) concur.
Summary:   There is a custom to recite Hashkavot for the local sages after Kol Nidre. Vehu Rahum is recited in Arvit of Yom Kippur even when it coincides with Shabbat.